Thursday, December 23, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
The Rubber Tutu
Have you ever been in a space egg before or worn a rubber tutu before?
I don't even like sci-fi movies, but I think I was in one today!
Here's what happened at the Hypoxi Treatment center today:
As I arrived, I was greeted by name and the lovely ladies (Mel and Jean) made me feel so welcome! I met my therapist, Sheila, who by the way is a qualified physiotherapist.
I was given a health disclaimer to fill out as well as a physical assessment, which included a body stats analysis and specific body measurements. Sheila made her 'diagnosis' and allocated me to a program specific for my goals and areas of development... do these ever go away?
According to the assessment I'm 'perfect' for the average person... HA! But we know, dear friends, that our aim is not to be normal, it is to be exceptional and the best that we can be!
The fun part, bring on the rubber tutu!:
After Sheila explained and showed me diagrams of how the treatment works and what to expect, she placed a heart rate monitor around my chest and took out, what seemed to me, like a giant rubber tutu!
This was such a cute moment! Me pointing my hands into the opening, as if I'm diving into a giant giggle creating hoop and Sheila trying to fit this bigger than life tutu around my waist... she did an expert job, though! This was definitely an ice breaking party trick to remember!
Introduction of the 'space egg'!:
As my hips, thighs and bum areas are my stubbornly voluptuous side, I was shown to the Hypoxi S120 machine, as this machine will be more effective for the extra fleshies on the derrière.
I climb in and put my feet on the peddles of the upright bike on the inside of it. Sheila then clipped me in and closed the 'space egg' around me, she explained that my heart rate and the RPM should stay between certain numbers. And so I started a low intensity cardio session, 30 minutes of cycling.
The science project; Heat, Vacuum, Compression:
While cycling, I experienced a slight warming of the machine which was not uncomfortable at all. After the warm up of 4 minutes a very interesting sucking or vacuuming action started to happen for about 20 to 25 seconds. The rubber tutu was pulling down and tight around my waist, almost like when you wring out a wet towel, still this was not uncomfortable.
After the vacuuming stopped, the compression started and the rubber tutu blew up around me like when you jump into the swimming pool with your dress on! So amazingly funny! Also for around 20-25 secs.
This sequence of vacuuming and compression repeated itself for the remainder of the time inside the space egg.
I worked up a light sweat and couldn't help but think that this is any cardio queen's dream. The intensity is low enough that you can read your fave glossy or even catch the latest episode of Gossip Girl on the big screens of the center.
I must say, I'm pleasantly surprised by the following:
- All the therapists at the Hypoxi treatment centre are either qualified physiotherapists, nurses or pharmacists.
- This treatment program focuses on a naturally healthy and balanced nutrition plan, which means that their and GloryGirl's principles are very similar. Me like!
- This is definitely NOT a QUICK FIX, as you have to invest time, money and sweat to make this work.
- If you do not follow the Hypoxi Rules, then a successful outcome can't be guaranteed. (I will post on this later on). AND I LOVE THIS! Because even if someone is looking for a quick fix, by following the rules, they will actually be educated on how to make nutrition and exercise a priority for life and a life style change.
- I loved the alien sense of the vacuuming/compressing rubber tutu.
Maybe I'll watch a Star Wars movie now!...hehe
Please don't forget to tell me what your goals are, as I still believe that everyBody needs a someBody!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
How to Gain Fat Fast!

True to my nature I'm embarking on a new journey and making myself quite vulnerable in bringing you the real deal of what goes on in the world of women, body image and being Nadine...;)
A month has passed since competing in my last bikini competition in Las Vegas, the Fitness America Pageant on the 19th of November...and a lot has happened since then!
Brace yourself for something that sounds like excuses..hehe..
- We spent a week in pre-Thanks Giving USA and I'm always so curious about the yummies there!
- We've moved house. No moving company or rental service. Only Riel and myself...
- I was sick for a week after, I reckon, my immune system crashed a bit.
- I kicked off my GloryGirl program.
- We started pre-publication for ExtraFit Magazine, sourcing sponsors and advertising.
- I'm sick again.
But there is good news!
The lovely Allison Pickford of Body Smart Lifestyle Management invited ExtraFit Magazine to do a review of their Hypoxi Therapy in the launch issue of the Mag in Feb 2011!
So - the enterprising lady that I am - thought I'll volunteer for the Hypoxi therapy sessions and let my fellow sisters know what exactly is this 'quick fix' that we've been so curious about for such a long time...
In preparation to make it worth your entertainment, I took the last two weeks to gain about 4 kg's (8.8lbs) and here is how I did it:
- Drinking less than 2 liters of water a day.
- Eat only 3 meals a day (or less).
- Not planning my meals.
- Eating starchy carbs at night.
- Eating whatever I felt like, whenever I wanted. (Read; no processed foods, I'm talking peanut butter and honey by the bucket loads)
- Training only 3 times a week without purpose or focus.
- Snacking on choccies when the 'mood' strikes. (Only good quality...Swiss or Belgium)
- Not having a clear goal.
- Making excuses of being too busy to make my health a priority...
- and so the list goes on!
I can't believe that people are CHOOSING to live this way!
So, here's the deal; For the next 6 weeks I'm going to combine my GloryGirl coaching strategies, Cathy Savage Fitness' nutrition and training (my coach and mentor) with the Hypoxi Therapy and BLOG about the good, bad and ugly for you to see that there IS HOPE towards your best body in 2011!
And my goal? Why of course a glamorous GloryGirl Photo Shoot with the uber talented Celeste van Rooyen.
Can't wait to further embarrass myself.... so stay tuned to a GloryGirl success story!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
2010: An unexpected year of adventure and success!
I've been writing so much in my head over the last few months and have been itching to put finger to keyboard! So here I go!
Riel (my husband) and myself did a bit of a reflexion session at our weekly coffee night this week about this year and we were surprised at everything we managed to accomplish.
Grace, grace, grace echoes through my mind and spirit as I remember all the highlights of this year! God's favor is without equivalent and when you pair that with setting powerful goals and creating a plan of how to get there as well as the right people to guide and support you, you just HAVE to be successful!
My year in short:
- I ended a 6 1/2 year journey with Emirates airlines as a flight attendant!
- Became a published fitness writer and fitness model for Physique Magazine
- Started my passion, GloryGirl Fitness where, as a life coach and personal trainer, I coach the most amazing athletes through a life style and body transformation.
- Invested in an exciting new brand and publication, ExtraFit Magazine. To be launched in Feb 2011!
- New York and the Arnold Classic in Columbus Ohio with my wonderful husband!
- Thailand with my lovely sister.
- Toronto to meet my coaches and support structure, Cathy Savage Fitness to whom I owe all my success in the competitions that I've done.
- Las Vegas, Grand Canyon and Los Angeles, again with my One.
- Still happily married to most beautiful man and heart alive!
- Experience my first ever fitness competition, Ms Fitness South Africa, one of the best in SA and achieved my goal of placing under the top 10! I came 4th against girls 10 years younger than myself!! Love it!
- Won the Fame South Africa overall title and the professional fitness model category.
- Placed 2nd at the Fame World Championships in the professional swimsuit model category in Las Vegas.
- Competed in the fabulous Fitness America Pageant and although I experienced a bit of a burn out (4 comps in 3 months) it was such an enriching experience!
Ladies, I challenge you to WRITE down all the amazing things that you've experienced this year! It really takes that anxious feeling of "the time just flies" down to a grateful prayer!
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