Thursday, December 23, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
The Rubber Tutu
- All the therapists at the Hypoxi treatment centre are either qualified physiotherapists, nurses or pharmacists.
- This treatment program focuses on a naturally healthy and balanced nutrition plan, which means that their and GloryGirl's principles are very similar. Me like!
- This is definitely NOT a QUICK FIX, as you have to invest time, money and sweat to make this work.
- If you do not follow the Hypoxi Rules, then a successful outcome can't be guaranteed. (I will post on this later on). AND I LOVE THIS! Because even if someone is looking for a quick fix, by following the rules, they will actually be educated on how to make nutrition and exercise a priority for life and a life style change.
- I loved the alien sense of the vacuuming/compressing rubber tutu.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
How to Gain Fat Fast!

True to my nature I'm embarking on a new journey and making myself quite vulnerable in bringing you the real deal of what goes on in the world of women, body image and being Nadine...;)
- We spent a week in pre-Thanks Giving USA and I'm always so curious about the yummies there!
- We've moved house. No moving company or rental service. Only Riel and myself...
- I was sick for a week after, I reckon, my immune system crashed a bit.
- I kicked off my GloryGirl program.
- We started pre-publication for ExtraFit Magazine, sourcing sponsors and advertising.
- I'm sick again.
- Drinking less than 2 liters of water a day.
- Eat only 3 meals a day (or less).
- Not planning my meals.
- Eating starchy carbs at night.
- Eating whatever I felt like, whenever I wanted. (Read; no processed foods, I'm talking peanut butter and honey by the bucket loads)
- Training only 3 times a week without purpose or focus.
- Snacking on choccies when the 'mood' strikes. (Only good quality...Swiss or Belgium)
- Not having a clear goal.
- Making excuses of being too busy to make my health a priority...
- and so the list goes on!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
2010: An unexpected year of adventure and success!
- I ended a 6 1/2 year journey with Emirates airlines as a flight attendant!
- Became a published fitness writer and fitness model for Physique Magazine
- Started my passion, GloryGirl Fitness where, as a life coach and personal trainer, I coach the most amazing athletes through a life style and body transformation.
- Invested in an exciting new brand and publication, ExtraFit Magazine. To be launched in Feb 2011!
- New York and the Arnold Classic in Columbus Ohio with my wonderful husband!
- Thailand with my lovely sister.
- Toronto to meet my coaches and support structure, Cathy Savage Fitness to whom I owe all my success in the competitions that I've done.
- Las Vegas, Grand Canyon and Los Angeles, again with my One.
- Still happily married to most beautiful man and heart alive!
- Experience my first ever fitness competition, Ms Fitness South Africa, one of the best in SA and achieved my goal of placing under the top 10! I came 4th against girls 10 years younger than myself!! Love it!
- Won the Fame South Africa overall title and the professional fitness model category.
- Placed 2nd at the Fame World Championships in the professional swimsuit model category in Las Vegas.
- Competed in the fabulous Fitness America Pageant and although I experienced a bit of a burn out (4 comps in 3 months) it was such an enriching experience!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Being Shero
Sunday, June 27, 2010
What Happens Backstage?
How easy is it to admire these dancers for this inspiring show they bring to the stage, for us less limber folk to enjoy? Dreamlike and colorful costumes, blazing lights that creates an atmosphere of twinkling magic, the thunderous music that abduct your own heart beat to drum in synch with the swarms of professionally trained butterfly feet so perfect in tune that it absolutely takes your breath away!
When I witness events like these, where talented dancers, creative performers and athletes of all disciplines makes a specialized skill look so easy, I can’t help but think of all the hours, days, weeks, months and years it took to hone and explore their potential in their specific skill.
Like Malcolm Gladwell mentions in his book, Outliers, to become a master of a skill and an expert in your field , you would’ve had to spend a 10 000 dedicated hours in your area of interest.
So if we take this example of a few Irish dancers in a small little show called Lord of the Dance, which lasts about 90 minutes, it really hits you hard to think that they had to invest such a vast part of their lives to taste the glory of those few precious moments when they receive the standing ovation and the encores of the crowds...
Take the cheekiest athlete which also happens to be the fastest on this planet, Usain Bolt. He had the world at his feet in a minuscule time of 9,58 seconds. He is an instant hero and he gains more fans than Madonna (well, she’s actually another great success story too) in that moment. This question I have, where were the millions of fans when he, the Irish dancers and all the other heroes alike woke up on a cold and rainy winters morning to work at, work at and work at their talents, gifts and areas of development?
The temptation to play the “wish game” (oh, I wish I could do that, be like her, live his life, etc.) when we witness the success of our larger than live heroes are very real, but it’s easy to forget the tens of thousands of hours that went into training and preparation that got them on that pedestal, the spotlight and our vote of confidence. Please understand, I know that it’s not about the acknowledgement of other people, but I know that every individual has the deep desire to live a significant life, a life that matters and a life that rocks!
Most of us want the success, but not everybody wants to make the sacrifices and put in the disciplined habits to get to their dreams and wishes…
You hear me…you hear my heart?
Let’s have a look at our OWN back stage. What are we doing to live a significant life? I’m not talking about our faith, which IS the foundation of our whole being here at this present moment. What I’m saying is, what actions are we taking, what habits are we building to get to our life’s purpose? Are we using (use is a verb…no way!) the talents that we’ve been blessed with, in order to live fulfilled lives which in return runs over into the lives of those around us, creating a positive ripple effect in our families and communities?
Be encouraged that it IS possible to dance on your own life stage and to bask in the light and glory of the standing ovation and cheers of your own self esteem and your loved ones. This is the moment to take action to start your first, 500th or 9 999th hour of preparation towards that moment of successful results that you’ve been wishing for so long now!
Let me know how you’re doing, I want to cheer you on in this journey…because Everybody needs Somebody.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
What is your Value? Part 2
I have a Friend.
A number of years ago I was in a lot of trouble, a very dark place. I messed around with the wrong crowd, doing the things that give parents nightmares about their children ever doing. I tried to satisfy every craving that I had, searching for the plug that would fill this hungry hole in my heart. I used people to cover my own insecurities, lied, cheated and competed. I hid in the spotlight looking like the life of the party trying too hard to disguise the lonely wasteland of my dry soul. I hated myself for not being perfect, carrying bitterness and unforgiveness in my heart for those who hurt me when I was a child. My physical body manifested what my soul and spirit looked like on the inside.
He died for me?
He died for me?
But WHY? I'm not worth your precious life, I don’t even know you!!!! I don’t deserve this, I’m not worthy….I'm just not worthy...
How could you think I'm so special that you died for me?
How could you think I'm so precious, precious enough for you to lose your life?
How could my life have so much value that you paid the highest price?
My denial changed into a severe sadness that threatened to crush my bruised heart, I could just not fathom how an innocent person could choose to die for a wicked and ruined life like mine.
Then came a whisper.
Revelation dawned.
Yes you are worthy of my love and you are that special, precious and valuable. You are the crown of creation and now also my sister, a queen and a priest! You are worthy.
A dry and cracked heart thirstily soaking up the abundance of love pouring in from a never ending river.
So this amazing Friend of mine's name is Jesus and I can't tell you enough of how He sorted out my life, man.
He took me on quite a journey (such an understatement) and it took a looooong time for me to realize how valuable I am. I realized that there is nothing I can do to earn a higher rating of value. I don't have to compensate with second hand habits and self help thoughts to show myself and the world that I might be a someone only to turn around in secret and break myself down with negative and hateful thoughts. I don't have to prove myself anymore or live under the manipulation of addictions of any kind. The only thing I want to do is to belief in my Savior’s perfect love for me.
Now to come back to the original question.... What is your value, my friend?
PS When I mention the 'wrong crowd', I refer to people who didn't know me or cared about me, people who used me as I used them. Know that my heart is beating with the Father's love for each and every one I've shared a few moments with in the the years that I've been given in our world and home. If you were part of my life during those dark times, please don't feel condemned, I'm not writing this to highlight the past or to hurt you. I'm putting the spotlight on how our God changed this woman's heart and life and how there is hope for a life of freedom and glory with Him! .... please try to see my heart in this...
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
What is your Value? Part 1
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Get high with me!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010
The Short Cut to Joy!
- I faced an obstacle, fear (not fear in the sense, but that's the basis of the little emotion that I experienced), doubt.
- I had a positive thought process of I can do this.
- I made a decision.
- I got active and did something I did as a child, climb over fences!
- I was successful and experienced a feeling of achievement and fun!